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Inside DNAnexus

Product updates, industry insights, opinions and references.
From the team powering the Genomics Revolution.

The Trusted Research Environment: A Gateway to Secure Collaboration

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Today’s Precision Medicine Requires an Enterprise Strategy

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Take Charge of Your Omics Cloud Expenses

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More Rapid Responses to Rare Disease

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How Regeneron Bypasses Bottlenecks to Iterate at the Scale and Speed of Science

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How DNAnexus Enables Human Longevity to Optimize Genomics Analysis and Interpretation for Healthy Individuals

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New Research Analysis Platform Enables UK Biobank To Exponentially Increase Size and Scale of World’s Most Comprehensive Biomedical Database

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The Hybrid Hackathons of the Future — now with Librarians!

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Better Together: Regeneron & HLI Share Their Experiences with DNAnexus & AWS

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Visit us at Bio-IT World 2021!

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Computational Immunology: Tailoring Tools to Tackle the T-Cell Triad

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How New Practices in Biomedical Research are Changing the Future of Healthcare

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How Multi-Omics is Changing Biomedical Research

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An Introduction to Population Genomics Studies with DNAnexus Apollo

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MIODx: A Breakthrough Leader in the precisionFDA COVID-19 Precision Immunology App-a-thon

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Responding to the Evolving World of COVID-19 Through Global Collaboration

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DNAnexus Platform and Product Updates: 2020 in Review

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Looking Beyond Causative Variants to Help Rare Disease Researchers Identify Elusive Treatment Options

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New UK Biobank Exome Pipeline: A 1-Button Read-Mapping Protocol for Public Sequencing Datasets

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2020 Vision: What Have We Learned?

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Deciphering the TCR Repertoire

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DipAsm: A Method for Generating More Accurate Phased Assemblies

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NEW: Monitor your Diagnostics Pipeline with the Case Management Portal

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MDA and DNAnexus Partner to Improve Neuromuscular Patient Care and Accelerate Drug Discovery

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From Pharmacogenomics to new Benchmarking Frameworks, DNAnexus Delivers at ASHG20

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How to Get Reliable Variant Calling in Repeat-Rich Regions

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Improving Therapeutic Development at Biogen with UK Biobank Data, Databricks, and DNAnexus

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Diving Deep into the Data Ocean

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DNAnexus R&D Report: Benchmarking Germline Variant Calling Pipelines

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UK Biobank Democratizes Data Access with its own Cloud-Based Data Analysis Platform

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How Myriad Genetics is Powering AI & Machine Learning Advancements in Precision Medicine

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Bold Innovation for a Promising Future

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Running RStudio Shiny Server and Apps on DNAnexus

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Embracing Open Standards to Build Portable, Reproducible Pipelines

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Three Ways to Leverage Translational Research for the Understanding of Complex Disease

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2022 Forecast: Responding to the Rising Tide of Diagnostic Tests

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Partnering with NVIDIA Clara Parabricks to Accelerate NGS Data Processing

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Being Productive during COVID-19 Quarantine

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A New Way to Play in May: Brush Up On Bioinformatics From Home

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Self-Servicing Archiving Now Available for DNAnexus on Azure

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Truth V2 Challenge on precisionFDA: Calling Variants in Difficult-to-Map Regions using short, long, and linked read sequencing

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Will COVID-19 Power a New Era of Precision Medicine?

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DNAnexus is going “virtual”! — Bio IT World 2020

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Trending topics in bioinformatics/AI: a deep learning approach to antibiotic discovery

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Bioinformaticians for Good: DNAnexus Aids in Open Science Collaborations In Fight Against Coronavirus

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Our Commitment to our Customers and Partners During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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BWA-MEM2 Review: Should You Upgrade?

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Doubling Down on Next Generation Sequencing: How TwinStrand Biosciences and DNAnexus Work Together

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DNAnexus Platform Updates: A Year in Review

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DNAnexus Celebrates Rare Disease Day

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Hackathon-ing into DNAnexus

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Building a Precision Medicine Hub

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What Does the Sunsetting of Python 2.7 Mean for You?

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Refining GWAS Results Using Machine Learning

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A Tale of Two Cities: Breaking Down Data Barriers to Deliver Precision Medicine

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Designing Bioinformatics Pipelines for Fast Iteration

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Providing Bioinformatics Solutions to Address Challenges with Structural Variants

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Addressing the Complex Storage and Archival Needs of DNA Sequencing Data

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Scaling to Meet the Demands of Rare Disease Genetics

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Building a GenomeArk on the Cloud

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ASHG 2019: Delivering on the Promise of Precision Medicine

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DNAnexus Scoops European Innovations Award at SCOPE

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Why Medical Centers Should Prioritize HITRUST in Cloud Providers

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Considering an IT Investment For Your Clinical Diagnostics Lab? Help is Here

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Examining Variation from Wet-Lab Protocol Choices in Microbiome Data through the Mosaic Standards Challenge

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DNAnexus Detectives: Using Amazon Web Services to Help Solve a Medical Mystery

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DNAnexus Navigation and UI Changes

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By George! DNAnexus CTO George Asimenos Recognized as Top Voice in Precision Medicine

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Another Feather in the Cap for PrecisionFDA Platform: A 2019 FedHealthIT Innovation Award

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Teaming Up To Improve Outcomes for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

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From Manhattan Plot to BigTop: DNAnexus Makes Data Visualization a (Virtual) Reality

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Helping Scientists Discover the Hidden Jewels Within UK Biobank Data

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Bio-IT World 2019: Explore Millions of Variants in the UK Biobank Data

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Deep Dive into DeepVariant

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Discussing the State of Biomedical Data & Looking Towards the Future at PMWC

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See our Talk at HiMSS 2019 – Integrating Clinico-Genomic Data for Precision Health

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HiMSS 2019 – Enabling Rapid Advancement of Precision Health & Drug Discovery at Scale

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Highly Accurate SNP and Indel Calling on PacBio CCS with DeepVariant

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PAG 2019: Pioneering Frontiers in Genome Assembly

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2018 Highlights: Expanding Beyond Secondary Analysis and Scaling up Collaboration

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Implementing an RNA-Seq pipeline on DNAnexus

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Battling Aligners: Benchmarking Tools on Mosaic with Mock Metagenomes

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Announcing the Results of Mosaic Clinical Strain Detection Challenge

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Parliament2: Fast Structural Variant Calling Using Optimized Combinations of Callers

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Investigating Differences Between Simulated and Real FASTQ DNA-Seq Data

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SMRT APAC Genome Assembly Grant & Upcoming Webinar

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Breaking Down Crumble: A New Method to Significantly Reduce NGS Data Footprint while Preserving Results

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Comparison of BGISEQ 500 to Illumina NovaSeq Data

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Announcing the Winners of Mosaic Microbiome Community Challenge: Strains #1

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PrecisionFDA Receives FDA Commissioner’s Award for Outstanding Achievement

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SMRT Leiden Assembly Grant

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Training and Applying Genomic Deep Learning Models

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DNAnexus expands with Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform

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Bio-IT World 2018: Transforming Biological Insights to Accelerate Translational Research

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Shaping the Future of Precision Medicine for Newborns

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One Genome Browser to Rule Them All?

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Amplifying Google’s DeepVariant

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We’re coming to the Windy City for AACR

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The Case for Rapid Genome Sequencing – Saving Critically Ill Newborns

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GDPR Compliance – What you need to know

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Regeneron Genetics Center Identifies Promising Target for Development of New Therapies for Chronic Liver Disease

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How to Train Your DRAGEN – Evaluating and Improving Edico Genome’s Rapid WGS Tools

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Integrating Multiple Data Sources to Power Discovery and Analysis

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Advancing Microbiome Research through Community Engagement

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Benchmark and Advance Computational Methods for Targeted Strain Detection

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Tri-Con 2018: Leveraging the Cloud to Power Multi-Omics Research

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Countdown to AGBT 2018

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Analysis Commons: A Collaborative Approach to Multi-Omics Discovery

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PMWC 2018: Leveraging Multi-Omic Datasets in Discovery & Clinical Trials

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Evaluating the Performance of NGS Pipelines on Noisy WGS Data

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Dot: An Interactive Dot Plot Viewer for Comparative Genomics

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PAG 2018: A Focus on Genome Assembly

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CIO Webinar Series: Genomic Data Privacy in the Cloud

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Evaluating DeepVariant: A New Deep Learning Variant Caller from the Google Brain Team

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Introducing htsget, a new GA4GH protocol for genomic data delivery

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DNAnexus at ASHG: Accelerating Your Path from Genomic Data to Insight

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The New UI: Sleeker. Modern. Intuitive.

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At Bio-IT World: Promoting Technological Innovation to Advance Precision Medicine

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DNAnexus Celebrates National DNA Day

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Webinar: Trio Analysis with Sentieon Rapid DNAseq on DNAnexus

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Upgrading to TLS 1.2

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Case Study: Calling Somatic Variants with Sentieon on DNAnexus

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ACMG: A Look at Applying Genomic Data to Clinical Reports

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Updated DNAnexus Impact Assessment for Cloudbleed: No evidence of exploitation.

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Case Study: Trio Analysis with Sentieon Rapid DNAseq on DNAnexus

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DNAnexus Not Impacted by Cloudflare Information Leak (“Cloudbleed”)

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Innovation Fueled by Collaboration and Regulatory Science

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New Org Admin Tools Available on DNAnexus

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Sentieon on DNAnexus: License-Free Access Through April 7th

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Salute! Nexus Negronis On Us at AGBT!

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Bringing Together Genomics and Patient Data in the Cloud

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Collaborative Genomics: Highlights From 2016

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DNAnexus & TCGA: Reanalyzing the World’s Largest Pan-Cancer Initiative Dataset

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Ten-Fold PacBio Sequel Call Set Proves Affordable & Effective in Identifying Structural Variants

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Join Us for a Lunchtime Discussion at ASHG

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Cloud Bioinformatics Made Easy: A Workshop with SCGPM

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The U.S. Cancer Moonshot and a Culture of Collaboration

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Countdown to Beantown: DNAnexus at Festival of Genomics

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Once in a Blue Moon Competition: precisionFDA Truth Challenge

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Frost & Sullivan Recognizes DNAnexus as the Enabling Technology Leader in the Global Genomics Industry

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Webinar Series: Enabling PacBio Long-Read Bioinformatics in the Cloud

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At Bio-IT World: Technological Innovation Advancing Genomic Science and Medicine

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Precision Medicine from Birth

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One Global Cloud Platform Unites Researchers to Shed Light on Autism

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Just Published New England Journal of Medicine Paper From Geisinger and Regeneron Highlights Value Of Integrating Genetic and EHR Data on DNAnexus

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Cloud-based Genomics at the White House

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The Future of Precision Medicine

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Supporting Innovative Open Access Cancer Genomics Pilot

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DNAnexus Made Ridiculously Simple

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DNAnexus Heads to Orlando for AGBT 2016

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DNAnexus in Real Life: Tackling Precision Medicine Through Real-Time, Multi-Institution Cancer Collaboration

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A Look Back at 2015

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DNAnexus Presents at JP Morgan Healthcare Conference

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precisionFDA: Why It Matters

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Supporting Freebayes, to Serve Our Customers and the Community

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Cancer Genomes Dataset Now Hosted on Amazon Web Services

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Highlights from Festival of Genomics California 2016

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Festival of Genomics: Not Your Typical Genomics Conference

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Post-ASHG: The Future of Genomics & Informatics in the Next 5 Years

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Precision Medicine: Seeking Impact, Needing Champions

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New 3000 Rice Genomes AWS Public Dataset – Easy Access on DNAnexus Platform

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Using Genomics To Improve Patient Care: DNAnexus to Support Both Projects Selected by California Precision Medicine Initiative

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Natera’s Genetic Testing to Scale with DNAnexus

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Help Save the Black Rhino

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DNAnexus Honored in MIT Technology Review’s 50 Smartest Companies of 2015

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Precision Medicine Improves Survival without Increasing Costs

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Big Data Rice Research Helps to Feed the World

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The Word “Genetics” is 110 Years Old

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Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative: DNAnexus is There

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On A Day When Apple Sidesteps Healthcare Technology, Mary-Claire King Shows How To Confront It

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DNA Day: Celebrating the Decades-long Unraveling of DNA

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AGBT Posters Featuring DNAnexus

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Feb 28: Celebrating Rare Disease Day

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2014: The Year of the Cloud

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One Simple Solution for Ten Simple Rules

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On DNA Day, We’re Thinking About (What Else?) Data

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Dispelling the Myths of the Cloud

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Happy Holidays to All!

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Sequence Data: The View from JP Morgan

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Streaming an entire sequencing center across the Internet

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Next-gen sequencing and the cloud – revolutionary, or hype?

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