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Inside DNAnexus

PAG 2019: Pioneering Frontiers in Genome Assembly

DNAnexus is headed to San Diego! We’re excited to join over 3,000 leading genomic scientists in plant and animal research for the 27th International Plant & Animal Genome Conference, taking place January 12-16. The conference exhibition and symposium brings the community together to discuss recent advancements, ongoing projects, and future studies in the field. Learn more and register for the conference here.

Come by Booth #227 to learn about our exciting genome assembly projects, including the Vertebrate Genomes Project and the new maize population assembly involving 26 cultivars, and how DNAnexus can partner with you for fast, accurate, and cost-efficient reference-quality assembly. Join us for our activities listed below or schedule a meeting with a member of our team.

DNAnexus Talks

Jason ChinDeveloping Deep Learning Models and Reusable Machine Learning Workflows for Genomics in the Cloud: From Single Cell Images to Variant Effects
Saturday, January 12, 8:50am – 9:05am
Location: California Room

Jason Chin, PhD, Senior Director of Deep Learning at DNAnexus, discusses how new advances in machine and deep learning are being leveraged to perform large-scale alignments, variant calling and more efficiently process plant and animal genomes. Jason will focus specifically on how utilizing Docker, Conda and JupyterLab simplifies interactive and reproducible research workflows.

Chai FungtamassanPragmatic Solutions for Scaling your Analysis: Machine Learning, Imaging, Containers, Clouds and APIs
Monday, January 14, 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Location: Towne Room

Join Arkarachai Fungtammasan, Ph.D. (Chai), DNAnexus Scientist at this workshop centered around popular toolkits for machine learning. The session includes a guided tutorial on PyTorch and includes free-form discussion and Q&A.

Sam WestreichExploring a Landscape of Genetic Variation in Virtual Reality
Wednesday, January 16, 12:00pm – 12:15pm
Location: California Room

Sam Westreich, PhD, DNAnexus Microbiome Scientist, will showcase BigTop, a fully immersive data exploration experience that uses virtual reality to examine genomic data. Sam will demonstrate how scientists can use the open source to view multiple supported datasets.

Customer Talks

Iowa StateAssembly and Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Maize NAM Founders
Speaker: Matthew B. Hufford from Iowa State University
Sunday, January 13, 8:40am – 9:00am
Location: Golden West Room

Whole Genome Assembly and Annotation of the Maize NAM Founders
University of GeorgiaTuesday, January 15 at 2:30pm – 2:42pm
Location: California Room

Kelly Dawe, PhD, & Jianing Liu from Dawe Lab at the University of Georgia will discuss how their study sequencing and assembling the complex and genetically diverse maize genome. The team utilizes PacBio, BioNano and Illumina sequencing to assembly the B73 maize inbred genome and along with 25 other maize inbreds. The talk is part of the Gramene workshop examining community approaches for improving structural annotations of genes and transposable elements.

VGPVertebrate Genome Project (VGP) / Genome 10K (G10K) Planning Meeting
Wednesday, January 16 at 9:30am – 3:30pm
Location: Sunrise Room

Join the planning session dedicated to coordinating efforts for upcoming VGP & G10K projects. The workshop is open to all PAG attendees, so come learn how to join the effort to generate reference-quality genome assemblies of all 66,000 extant vertebrate species.

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