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NEW: Monitor your Diagnostics Pipeline with the Case Management Portal

DNAnexus Case Management Portal

If you’re running NGS data analysis pipelines for diagnostic purposes, then you know how important it is to have up-to-date insights into both the wet lab and bioinformatics stages of your pipeline. These insights empower teams to identify pipeline bottlenecks and deliver accurate results in a more timely manner. However, this type of visibility into pipeline progress is often difficult to achieve across various stakeholders, including executives, lab bioinformaticians, and clinicians.  

To solve these challenges, we’re excited to introduce the Case Management Portal – a powerful new solution built for sequencing service providers and diagnostic companies to monitor data analysis throughout the bioinformatics process, and automate critical workflow steps. 

How Does it Work? 

The Case Management Portal enables customizable monitoring throughout all steps in your bioinformatics pipeline. 

DNAnexus can help customize the dashboard for executives and team leads to show key metrics to review, identify pipeline bottlenecks, and understand the overall efficiency of the production pipeline.  

The dashboard also provides an overview of the diagnostics pipeline for bioinformaticians and lab technicians, broken down by each app or stage. It can show how many samples have completed analysis, and how many are being actively processed on DNAnexus. With additional configuration, the portal can connect to LIMS to pull in additional metadata from the wet lab stages to reveal how many samples are ready to be analyzed in DNAnexus. The dashboard also includes a search feature, so users can easily find a specific sample of interest. 

When samples have completed the bioinformatics pipeline, clinical experts can use the dashboard to review results, make changes or comments if necessary, and approve or make adjustments before sending it out to a physician. 

Case Management Portal
Users may review metrics and determine the number of samples at each pipeline stage from the main page of the Case Management Portal.

Get Started Using the Case Management Portal 
Start monitoring your pipelines today. If you are a DNAnexus customer, reach out to your Account Manager for additional details. If you are new to DNAnexus, please send us a note at, and we’ll chat about your goals.

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About DNAnexus

DNAnexus the leader in biomedical informatics and data management, has created the global network for genomics and other biomedical data, operating in 33 countries including North America, Europe, China, Australia, South America, and Africa. The secure, scalable, and collaborative DNAnexus Platform helps thousands of researchers across a spectrum of industries — biopharmaceutical, bioagricultural, sequencing services, clinical diagnostics, government, and research consortia — accelerate their genomics programs.

The DNAnexus team is made up of experts in computational biology and cloud computing who work with organizations to tackle some of the most exciting opportunities in human health, making it easier—and in many cases feasible—to work with genomic data. With DNAnexus, organizations can stay a step ahead in leveraging genomics to achieve their goals. The future of human health is in genomics. DNAnexus brings it all together.