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Leading Genome Research Center Migrates to DNAnexus on Azure

DNAnexus on Microsoft AzureToday we announced that the trusted DNAnexus genome informatics and data management platform is now also available on Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s open, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing platform. Leveraging Azure, DNAnexus provides organizations a single, secure, scalable, and collaborative platform to accelerate the application of genomics within healthcare and research. The Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine (SCGPM) is the first organization to access DNAnexus on Azure.

scgpmA key advantage to conducting genomic research in the cloud is the enhanced collaboration facilitated by data accessibility, consistency, and scalability. SCGPM researchers already have existing collaborations on the DNAnexus Platform hosted by Amazon Web Services, by extending adoption of DNAnexus on Azure means that researchers can collaborate even more widely. By leveraging DNAnexus on Azure’s powerful data-handling capabilities, a distributed network of scientists and researchers have secure access to terabytes of data through a common user interface.

DNAnexus and Microsoft are both valued partners to Stanford’s core sequencing facility. SCGPM and David Heckerman, distinguished scientist and director of Microsoft Genomics, have been in close collaboration for years. By extending the DNAnexus Platform to Azure, it is now easier for SCGPM researchers to work closely with David’s team. We believe we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of the potential for medical discovery.

DNAnexus is proud to support SCGPM on its mission to translate genomics into patient-centered medicine, and we look forward to enabling the discoveries that unfold.

DNAnexus on Microsoft AzureInnovation Through Collaboration

Through additional partnerships, Microsoft recently developed computational methods to accelerate the best practices pipeline for genome resequencing sevenfold. By improving the efficiency of the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) and Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), researchers and medical professionals are able to get actionable results in just four hours, compared to the previous twenty-eight. This is critical for medical professionals to accelerate diagnosis and treatment for patients.

Genomic sequencing and analysis has become a key component of the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and other genetic conditions. This effort has both relied on and stimulated innovative technologies. At DNAnexus, we firmly believe that in order to continue innovating and further break down the technical barriers to disease, community collaboration is essential. The sharing of data and ideas between organizations – and even industries – spurs the innovation critical to medical breakthroughs. Microsoft is a global leader in technological innovation, and by partnering with leading research centers, universities, and the private sector, it is poised to make great contributions to the genomics revolution.

The DNAnexus Platform sits at the forefront of cloud-based data security, compliance, and controlled access. By co-developing with DNAnexus, Microsoft will be able to deploy their tools into an investigative environment while leveraging extensive research experience. We are excited to be collaborating with Microsoft and to offer these cutting-edge bioinformatics tools available to the genomics community via the DNAnexus Platform in the future.

Facilitating Collaboration on DNAnexus

The need for enhanced collaboration is a trend in the genomics industry we have been following for a while. DNAnexus equips end-users with out-of-the-box clinical compliance and streamlines communication between healthcare providers, reducing information silos for more efficient collaboration.

However, this notion of partnership goes deeper than groups of scientists working together to parse through datasets. Innovation and exploration are best served through collaboration, thus successful innovation in the genomics industry also relies on disparate industries working together towards a common goal. By tapping into the genomics network, the community is able to learn from each other to advance research, leading to accelerated medicine and tailored patient care.

DNAnexus is excited about the opportunity to partner with Microsoft, given their commitment to advancing the field of genomics, and their depth and breadth of experience offering solutions to the healthcare industry.

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About DNAnexus

DNAnexus the leader in biomedical informatics and data management, has created the global network for genomics and other biomedical data, operating in 33 countries including North America, Europe, China, Australia, South America, and Africa. The secure, scalable, and collaborative DNAnexus Platform helps thousands of researchers across a spectrum of industries — biopharmaceutical, bioagricultural, sequencing services, clinical diagnostics, government, and research consortia — accelerate their genomics programs.

The DNAnexus team is made up of experts in computational biology and cloud computing who work with organizations to tackle some of the most exciting opportunities in human health, making it easier—and in many cases feasible—to work with genomic data. With DNAnexus, organizations can stay a step ahead in leveraging genomics to achieve their goals. The future of human health is in genomics. DNAnexus brings it all together.