We will be joining thousands of oncology researchers and clinicians this week at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, March 29 – April 3 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Stop by our booth #3051 to learn how DNAnexus Apollo enables advanced exploration of cancer datasets for therapeutic target discovery. Our scientific experts will be onsite all week for demos and to answer all your bioinformatics questions.
Last year at AACR, in partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Microsoft, St. Jude Cloud was launched, the largest public repository of pediatric genomic cancer data. Offering a suite of unique analysis tools and visualizations, researchers can efficiently mine, analyze, and visualize next-generation sequencing data for pediatric cancer and other life threatening diseases to accelerate scientific discoveries.
This year, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is celebrating the one year anniversary of the St. Jude Cloud and since its inception, 10,000 WGS data have been analyzed in continuation of the search to find a cure for pediatric cancer and other life-threatening diseases. If you want to know more about the St. Jude Cloud, visit their booth #4136. We are excited to celebrate the one year anniversary with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and St. Jude Cloud team!
Make sure to stop by either DNAnexus booth or the St. Jude Cloud booth, to celebrate with us at AACR! Check out our conference activities below. Can’t make it to any of our events? Request a meeting.
DNAnexus Apollo enables at-scale navigation and exploration on combined genotypic and phenotypic data, whether it is TCGA data, your own protected data, or a combination. What actionable information will you find in your cancer datasets?
3671 / 29 – Visualize 10,000 Whole Genomes from Pediatric Cancer Patients on St. Jude Cloud