Sentieon and DNAnexus are collaborating to make tools available to accelerate genome analysis, while reducing costs for researchers. By leveraging the power and scalability of the cloud, rapid runtimes for joint genotyping easily scale to thousands of samples. Additionally, using the variant discovery pipelines on DNAnexus, you can obtain identical results to GATK, MuTect, or MuTect2 at a fraction of the cost. Our customers are already experiencing a more than 10-fold increase in processing speed and cost savings of 5-7x.
This webinar will demonstrate the power of running Sentieon Rapid DNAseq on DNAnexus for variant calling of a 30x whole-genome trio in just about one hour. Using the single multi-sample VCF generated from this data, it is possible to identify de novo variants, the parental origin of interesting inherited mutations, and examine the carrier status of individuals for rare recessive mutations.
Title: Rapid Trio Analysis and Cohort Joint Genotyping with Sentieon on DNAnexus
Speaker: Don Freed, PhD, Bioinformatics Scientist, Sentieon
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017
Time: 11:00 AM PT, 2:00 PM ET
Attendees will learn how to: