Webinar Details
Speaker: Jeffrey Reid, Ph.D., Executive Director, Head of Genome Informatics, Regeneron Genetics Center
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Time: 10:00 AM PT, 1:00 PM ET
Despite growing investment in biopharma research and development, the number of new drugs is not increasing. It is estimated that more than 90% of drugs that enter Phase I clinical trials fail. Among failures in Phase II clinical trials, 51% are due to lack of efficacy and 19% due to toxicity. These statistics suggest that pre-clinical models may be poor predictors of benefit, and together with data on genetically-informed development programs, indicate that human genetics data can substantially improve the likelihood of success for new therapeutics.
Regeneron has a long history of commitment to genetics-based science, and a track record of integrating human genetics into successful development programs, delivering new medicines to patients. Therefore, the company has made substantial investment in the Regeneron Genetics Center, a cloud-based large-scale sequencing and analysis effort supporting Regeneron development programs. The RGC is a natural extension of this decades-long commitment to genetics at Regeneron, integrating large-scale, diverse data types and fostering collaboration with a wide array of stakeholders, including biopharma, healthcare providers, research institutes, and patient advocacy groups.
The Regeneron Genetics Center has sequenced more than 120,000 people so far, and has created one of the world’s most comprehensive genetics databases pairing sequence data and de-identified electronic health records. The RGC research program involves trait architectures and phenotype collaboration across a network of more than 30 research and healthcare provider institutions. Securely and easily sharing data and tools at scale with so many partners is a major challenge. In order to enable frictionless collaboration across these disparate labs, Regeneron selected DNAnexus to provide the cloud-based bioinformatics platform necessary to securely share large-scale sequencing data and tools.
In this presentation Dr. Reid will explain the RGC vision for genetics-driven drug development, describe the automation and uniquely enabling infrastructure of the RGC, and discuss in detail some of the informatics innovations and early biological insights that have already come out of the RGC’s collaborative efforts.