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Webinar Series: Enabling PacBio Long-Read Bioinformatics in the Cloud - Inside DNAnexus

Written by Angela Anderson | Apr 25, 2016 1:48:49 PM

We are excited to be hosting, in collaboration with our partner PacBio, an inaugural webinar series focused on best practices for analyzing SMRT® Sequencing data.

De novo genome assembly and structural variant calling are complex tasks, which can require massive computational resources to weave long-reads into a final, polished assembly or run a variety of SV detection methods across multiple data types. Reference genome assembly is done far less frequently than whole genome sequencing, just as the case with SV detection vs. SNP detection.  DNAnexus and PacBio are collaborating to make tools and resources easily accessible and enabling researchers to take long-read bioinformatics to new heights. Learn about today’s best practices for PacBio sequencing data.

Session 1: Rapid Reference-Quality Genome Assembly
May 4, 2016
8:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 5:00pm CET

Brett Hannigan, PhD, Director, Scientific Partnerships at DNAnexus, will present how running FALCON on the DNAnexus Platform can provide a fast, accurate, and cost-efficient solution for de novo genome assembly. In this webinar, we’ll examine the challenges around assembling the tobacco genome (comprised of 4.5 billion base pairs), which is tetraploid in nature and highly repetitive.

Session 2: Simplifying Structural Variant Discovery
June 16, 2016
8:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 5:00pm CET

Andrew Carroll, PhD, Vice President, Science at DNAnexus will present how current solutions that use PacBio data can greatly improve the accuracy of SV-calling by using fast and easy to run cloud-optimized apps (PBHoney, Parliament, & Sniffles). We will also explore the current work we are doing with Genome in a Bottle (GIAB) to develop high confidence truth sets for structural variants. Finally, Andrew will discuss how sequencing coverage correlates with the ability to accurately call structural variants, to inform decisions about the ideal depth to sequence.

Who should attend?
Researchers currently working with or those who desire to work with PacBio RSII and/or Sequel data.