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Events of Special Interest at the 16th Annual AGBT Meeting - Inside DNAnexus

Written by Frances Liu | Feb 23, 2015 2:06:03 PM

It’s that time of year again when many genome scientists make their annual trip to one of the most important meetings of the year, Advances in Genome Biology & Technology (Feb 25-28, Marco Island, Florida). If you’re headed to AGBT, we invite you to visit us in Suite 284 to explore and discuss our latest projects, datasets, and tools.

We will be making two important announcements this year, detailing our collaborations with Pacific Biosciences and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Visit us in Suite 284 to learn how these customers are using the DNAnexus platform to achieve their goals.

Events of Special Interest at AGBT
Genome Reference Consortium Workshop: Advancing the Human Reference Assembly
Wednesday February 25, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Palms Sabal room
DNAnexus is proud of our contribution to this computationally demanding achievement and pleased to be a sponsor of this workshop at AGBT. Reserve your seat here.

ENCODE Phase 3 Update
Friday February 27, at 10:40 AM in Suite 284
Join DNAnexus scientist Singer Ma for the latest information on ENCODE project data coordination, analysis, and access.

Lunchtime Workshop: Toward Comprehensive Genomes — Past, Present & Future
Friday February 27, at 12:00 PM in the Palms Ballroom
Hear Craig Venter, Gene Myers, Deanna Church, Jeong-Sun Seo, and Richard McCombie. This workshop will be of particular interest to attendees who are curious about whole genome assembly. Find out more and reserve your seat here.

PacBio Whole Genome Assembly on the DNAnexus Platform

Friday February 27, at 3:30 PM in Suite 284
Join DNAnexus technical development architect Andrey Kislyuk for a discussion on whole genome assembly with PacBio long-read data.

To learn more about DNAnexus and see a demo of the DNAnexus platform, visit us in Suite 284 at AGBT.  If you would like to schedule a personalized 1-on-1 demo, please send email to agbt15@dnanexus.com with your request.

For more details on the meeting, check out AGBT.